Bryan is an expert in
leading through complexity
using a risk lense sharpened by
30 years of experience across all sectors


Bryan’s Books

The number one comment Bryan receives
from CEOs after his facilitated workshops is:

‘That’s not what I was expecting,
we’ve never had a conversation like that before.’

Whether one hour, or two days, Bryan is a natural facilitator.
When it comes to his training, people leave energised
and enthusiastic with a smile on their face.
For those Bryan mentors it is his piercing insights that expose
people’s gifts, making them want to come back for more.

Transforming risk from a compliance activity
to a valued leadership imperative

Transforming the relationship between risk
and the business into a valued partnership

Transforming risk professionals from being avoided
to being sought out as trusted advisers

Bryan Whitefield


… is a management consultant operating since 2001,
specialising in risk-based decision making
and influencing decision makers,
born from his more than twenty years of facilitating executive and board workshops.

Bryan’s experience as a risk practitioner includes
the design and implementation of risk management programs
for more than 150 organisations across the
public, private and not-for-profit sectors.

Bryan is the author of Risky Business : How Successful Organisations Embrace Uncertainty;
Persuasive Advising : How to Turn Red Tape into Blue Ribbon, and
Team Think : Unlock the Power of the Collective Mind [to be published in 2022].

He is licenced by the RMIA as a Certified Chief Risk Officer (CCRO)
and is the designer and facilitator of their
flagship Enterprise Risk Course since 2019.

Trusted By

Upcoming Events

Enterprise Risk Management Course

The purpose of the course is to provide you with the requisite knowledge to design, implement and operate enterprise risk programs for the successful management of organisational risk.

Thursday 22nd & Friday 23rd February 2024
9:00am – 1:00pm AEDT

RMIA’s Persuasive Adviser Program hosted by Bryan

The Persuasive Adviser Program tackles the challenge risk advisers, practitioners and managers have with getting their message and key advice through to their stakeholders.

Monday 29th & Tuesday 28th April 2024
1:00pm – 5:00pm AEST

RiskNZ Mastering Risk Workshop Facilitation Course

This course is for risk professionals seeking mastery in risk workshop facilitation. To move beyond mechanical processes for collecting a list of risks.

Monday 26th & Tuesday 27th February 2024 
1:00pm – 5:00pm AEDT