Free Seminar – Strategic Leadership: Risk Capacity the “Catch 22” of Risk Appetite
Date: Wednesday, 14th October, 8:15am coffee for 8:30am – 9:30am
Location: Milson Room, Level 16, 124 Walker Street, North Sydney
Cost: Free
Whether you have a risk appetite statement or you are thinking of creating one, the problem is knowing your organisation’s risk capacity. Its capacity to bear and manage risk. I call it the Catch 22 of Risk Appetite because we need to know our Risk Capacity in order to set an appropriate Risk Appetite however we can’t know for sure our Risk Capacity until after we have taken risk. Catch 22.
This provides opportunity for strategic leaders. By improving your understanding of your organisation’s Risk Capacity you will be able to identify opportunities for strategic growth. You will understand where the organisation is not taking advantage of its capacity and where opportunity is just a step away if we improve our capacity in certain areas.
This free seminar is for corporate Heads of Risk, Finance, People and Culture, Performance, Strategy and Operations. In it, I and my colleague Paul Guignard from People and Numbers, will facilitate a group discussion exploring Risk Capacity, its relation to Risk Appetite and how you can better understand your organisation’s Risk Capacity.
Our objective is to release the “Catch 22” that is holding many organisations back and free strategic leaders to identify new opportunities for growth for their organisations.