Bryan’s Blog

Taking Advantage of a Crisis

This week I am on a panel at the RiskNZ Risk and Resilient Summit in Auckland, New Zealand, helping to answer this exact question. There is no doubt that Covid-19 gave risk management a huge boost. Is the boost waning? The answer is yes and no. It’s yes for organisations that now “get it”. Good

Buying Influence

Advice I give to all advisers in organisations is to “buy time”. That is, when engaging with busy leaders ask for a minimum of time and “buy time” by delivering a highly valuable experience for the leader. Last week, Culture Strategist, Executive Mentor and Author Meredith Wilson gave me a new bit of advice I

I Thought It Was 2024

Wow. I know not everyone is embracing risk management and gaining the value it should deliver. However, it was a bit of a shock recently to have two different conversations with CEO’s people had introduced me to, to help them find and drink from the risk management trough because they simply did not get the

From Compliance to Leadership

In case you missed seeing this recent article of mine, as guest writer for Naveen Agarwal, where I encourage QA/RA functions to lean into driving innovation and revenue growth for their organisations, and not simply focus on compliance. Enjoy! According to some close observers of the medical device industry, Quality/Regulatory functions have become increasingly focused

Key Person Risk

I prepare for and run a lot of enterprise risk workshops for executives and boards. As you can imagine, there can be a lot going on in a team of execs or board members that can affect how the workshop will play out. It’s impossible to know them all. That means a facilitator always carries