My first rule of influencing is to catch their attention. Tick.

My second rule is always provide value. Don’t waste people’s time.

And my third rule is to be self-aware. Be aware if you are talking too much, they are not getting it or if they are distracted by other things. Also be aware of what they are really trying to tell you.

So I caught your attention with INFLUENceENZA and perhaps with the image. You became curious to know more. The thing about influence is it can be contagious if you hit just the right theme at just the right time. However, that is not why I wanted to catch your attention. The real purpose was to provide you with some value and help you to become more self-aware.

1. Please take this anonymous 10 question, 2-minute survey to assess yourself against my version of what makes someone a Trusted Adviser.

2. Next, heighten your self-awareness. Go find three people and ask them how they would have rated you on a few of the questions.

If you do the survey and you choose to be self-aware, I am really keen to know how the rating others gave you compared to your own rating. Please drop me a line.