Scenario Planning

Seeing a long-term vision in focus

The Uncertainty Paradox states that the only certainty is uncertainty. No one can predict the future but your organisation can prepare for multiple futures. I help risk professionals ensure their executive is never caught like a deer stuck in the headlights.

Great scenario planning :

Great scenario planning :

  • Prepares leaders for multiple futures
  • Forces thinking beyond the norm
  • Results in one flexible strategy that provides for 80% of future scenarios

No matter your industry, mining, renewable energy, health, emergency services or a policy making government agency, I can help you imagine, describe and focus on future disruptive opportunities and risks.

Without the lateral thinking and creative writing of scenarios, the inherent bias that resides deep in our brains will prevail. The team will build on what they know rather than what they can be led to imagine.

I love working with teams that understand the world is changing, that the next disruption is just over the horizon and that they can own the future opportunities it presents.

Scenario planning for me is about placing long-term, incredible to imagine scenarios into a funnel. Aligning one strategy towards the majority of them, adding in new scenarios every year and moving the other scenarios through the funnel That is, the scenarios are moved through the funnel by asking the question “Was this assumption right or wrong?” If for one particular scenario you are answering “wrong” often enough, the scenario exits the funnel to be replaced by a new scenario. It is important to orientate your strategy to cater for as many scenarios as possible or the most likely ones. Having a flexible strategy is critical and even more critical is knowing when to re-orientate it.


  • I first worked with Bryan back in the early days of the COVID pandemic, when the spectre of the unknown loomed large. He brought frameworks for managing risk and making complex strategic decisions in a situation that was the very definition of the Uncertainty Paradox. Team Think offers practical and rigorous tools for all leaders as they embrace uncertainty, navigate complexity, and strive for the flow that underpins success.  

    Ian Brooksbank, CEO: Hydro Tasmania
  • Bryan has helped us design training courses that are well researched and practical. He has also delivered training for us and his dynamic, vibrant style ensured our staff were well engaged which produced excellent results.

    David Moore, A/g Group Manager, Business Effectiveness (Austrade Canberra)
  • As always, Bryan’s book Team Think provides insights into how to put theory into practice. Decision making is one of the most difficult aspects to get right in organisations. It’s impressive to see how Bryan effectively integrates various theories into a cohesive, systematic approach for navigating team decisions. As a risk professional, better team decision making is one of the keys to success.

    Keith Drayton, Chief Risk Officer: Reserve Bank of Australia